“Despite our best efforts–and the efforts of thousands of volunteers, donors, and our dedicated staff–we unfortunately did not prevail tonight. Still, we believe the results show that people are hungry for a different approach to leadership–one that is focused on the people of the Fifth Congressional District and the challenges they face. Taking on an incumbent, let alone a party-endorsed incumbent, with a national fundraising base is a Herculean task..
“I’ve lived my life in honor of a commitment I made in college to always live in the most challenged part of my city. I did it because I believe that we are all called to leverage our talents and resources to work with others who are seeking positive change and improvement. I’ve done it my whole adult life–and it’s why I ran for Congress. I plan to continue to do that, and I hope it inspires others to take up the tough challenges, knowing that there are people across the diverse neighborhoods of this district who will give of themselves to participate in that work. While I’m humbled by the results, I’m inspired by what we accomplished together.”d