Press Releases

Don Samuels Statement on the CD 5 DFL Endorsing Convention

The CD 5 endorsing convention took place yesterday and my campaign showed up in full force. I want to thank my staff, volunteers, and all of the delegates and alternates along the way for your tremendous support.

Unfortunately, we came just short of our goal of being able to block our opponent’s endorsement, which would’ve left our campaigns on an equal footing with regard to DFL party resources and support as we approach the August primary.

We brought out hundreds of first-time and veteran participants who were willing to attend precinct caucuses and all-day conventions in order to see a change to the type of cynical politics dividing our nation. Once again, superdelegates–or “Distinguished Party Leaders” as they’re referred to in the rules governing the byzantine endorsement process–pushed my opponent over the edge, making up a full 21% of her support.

In 2022, we made history when we came within 2.1% of defeating a party-endorsed incumbent member of Congress. This year, we’ll make history when we defeat one.

PO Box 50024 Minneapolis, MN 55405

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